POLICY: Academic Experience Policies - Engagement with Studies Policy POLICY URL: https://lsi-ac.uk/policy/45077db8-6288-4ab3-a5f8-ed02be9fce0e POLICY STATEMENT: The School is committed to fostering a culture of active engagement, ensuring all students are fully involved in their academic journey. Our 'Engagement with Studies Policy' sets clear expectations for student participation in learning activities and provides support to enhance engagement. This policy reflects our collective commitment to delivering a dynamic educational experience and achieving successful academic outcomes. POLICY PRINCIPLES: ------------------ - Consistency : Encouraging consistent engagement with studies as a foundation for academic success; - Participation : Emphasising the importance of active participation in lectures, seminars, and related academic activities; - Support : Providing robust support systems to assist students in engaging with their studies; - Monitoring : Keeping regular track of student engagement as a means of early identification of potential concerns; - Feedback : Offering constructive feedback to students on their engagement levels to facilitate improvement; - Responsiveness : Reacting promptly to changes in student engagement with appropriate interventions; - Communication : Ensuring clear communication regarding the expectations and benefits of engagement; - Inclusivity : Recognising diverse learning needs and adapting engagement approaches accordingly; - Motivation : Inspiring students to take ownership of their learning through engaged participation; - Wellbeing : Considering the holistic wellbeing of students as integral to their capacity to engage; - Fairness : Treating all students equitably in the evaluation of their engagement; - Continuous Improvement : Continually refining engagement strategies and policies based on feedback and educational research. REGULATORY CONTEXT: ------------------ This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following: R1. Office for Students (OfS): Regulatory framework for higher education in England - This framework outlines OfS' primary aim to ensure positive outcomes for students, including access, success, and progress in higher education. It covers quality academic experience, progress into employment, and value for money. R2. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Student Engagement - Guidance on student engagement in higher education, focusing on quality assurance and enhancement processes. R3. UK Government : Equality Act 2010 - Equalities law to prohibit harassment and victimisation, and eliminate discrimination, including in the area of further and higher education, particularly with regards to specified personal characteristics. R4. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): The Quality Code - This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality. R5. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Learning and Teaching - R6. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Enabling Student Achievement - METRICS: ------------------ The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations: M1. Attendance Rate in Modules: Percentage of students attending at least 80% of their module classes each semester. High attendance rates are directly correlated with student engagement and academic success. Monitoring this KPI helps ensure students are actively participating in essential learning activities. M2. Student Interaction with Learning Platforms: Average number of logins and interactions with the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) per student per week. Regular interaction with the VLE reflects ongoing engagement with course materials and resources, which is crucial for academic progress. M3. Student Retention Rate: Percentage of students continuing their studies from one academic year to the next. High retention rates are indicative of student satisfaction and engagement with their academic experience, suggesting effective support and a positive learning environment. M4. Timeliness of Coursework Submissions: Percentage of coursework submitted on or before the deadline by students. Timely submission of coursework indicates active participation and engagement with study materials, ensuring students are keeping up with their academic responsibilities. M5. Usage Rate of Academic Resources: Average number of times students access academic resources such as library materials or online databases per semester. Frequent use of academic resources indicates active engagement with the learning materials and a commitment to academic success. SECTION 1: Commitment to Academic Participation ------------------ 1.1. Engagement in Learning (by Students): All students must actively engage with their studies to gain the full benefit of their education at the School. This applies to all students, regardless of visa status, with consistent expectations for attendance and engagement; Active engagement is essential for student success, not just a requirement for immigration compliance. The School has legal obligations to monitor and report on student engagement, particularly for those on a sponsored visa. The Admissions Team provides clear information on UKVI engagement requirements. For further details, refer to the Visa Sponsorship and Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Policy. The School's commitment extends to supporting all students, including those studying remotely or through different modes of study. SECTION 2: Student Charter ------------------ 2.1. Student Charter Responsibilities: The School has a Student Charter outlining its vision, commitments, and student expectations. This Charter will be reviewed with students during Welcome Week; The Student Charter aims to create a diverse and inclusive community, helping students reach their full potential and achieve their ambitions. For these goals to be realised, both staff and students must actively participate and fulfil their roles within the community. The Student Support and Wellbeing Policy further details the School’s commitment to student success. SECTION 3: Duties Defined by the Student Charter ------------------ 3.1. Student Responsibilities as Outlined in the Charter (by Students): Students will:; Prepare: Invest the necessary time, commitment, and diligence to excel in their studies; Attend: Attend all lectures, seminars, assessments, and other academic events. If unable to attend, notify the School promptly; Engage: Participate fully in their studies, provide constructive feedback for improvement, and engage with dedication; Opportunity: Utilise the School’s teaching, resources, and facilities effectively and appropriately; Support: Help peers succeed through friendly and constructive support, offering feedback to aid their progress; Respect: Adhere to all School regulations and policies; seek clarification from staff if needed; Ambassadors: Represent the School positively and avoid actions that could harm its reputation; Community: Actively participate in the School community, attend events when possible, and uphold the School’s values; These responsibilities ensure that students are fully engaged, contributing to their own success and the strength of the School community. The Charter is designed to guide students in making the most of their time at the School, fostering a supportive, respectful, and thriving academic environment. SECTION 4: Institutional Pledges for Academic Achievement ------------------ 4.1. School Commitments to Student Success (by Academic staff): The School will:; Innovation: Invest in and deliver programmes that are innovative, adaptable, and designed to meet the diverse needs of our students; Excellence: Strive for excellence in education by using advanced technologies to enhance learning and teaching; Support: Provide students with access to peer, academic, and professional support; Inspiration: Encourage students to become creators and innovators, motivating them to envision and contribute to a better world; Collaboration: Involve students in programme development and actively seek their feedback on their experiences; Community: Build a learning community based on mutual respect, supported by a physical and digital environment that aligns with students’ learning and living preferences; Influence: Offer a unique and inclusive student experience while engaging with and influencing the broader educational sector; Outcome-focused: Design programmes that deliver tangible outcomes and positive returns on investment for students, addressing real-world challenges and connecting them with top employment or entrepreneurial opportunities; These commitments and actions are designed to foster a supportive, respectful, and inclusive learning environment that empowers students to succeed and actively participate in their educational journey. Staff involvement is crucial in identifying and addressing any issues that may impact student engagement and wellbeing. SECTION 5: Student Support and Engagement Points ------------------ 5.1. Monitoring Student Engagement (by CTO): The Automated Governance System (AGS) automatically logs all student activities and interactions with the School, known as engagement points. These records must be accessible to School staff for inspection and available as evidence of student engagement at any time; Monitoring engagement points ensures that students are actively participating in their studies. This includes both academic activities, such as attending tutorials, submitting coursework, and taking exams, as well as administrative interactions, such as enrolment, requesting absence authorisation, and engaging with the Student Wellbeing team. Access to these records allows the School to track and support student progress effectively. SECTION 6: Student Success in All Learning Formats ------------------ 6.1. Ensuring Consistent Programme Standards Across All Modes of Study (by Director of Education): The School is committed to maintaining consistent standards for all students, regardless of study mode or location; This commitment is supported by:; ; Virtual Learning Environment (VLE):; The VLE, with Interactive Knowledge Graphs (IKGs), tracks module concepts and activities, allowing students to monitor progress. Staff use this data, in line with the Student Privacy Notice, to support students, including through Personal Academic Tutors (PATs); ; Personal Academic Tutors (PATs):; Every student, including those studying online, is assigned a PAT. Students must attend a set number of meetings with their PAT (adjusted for part-time and flexible study modes). PATs monitor engagement through these meetings and office hours, and will refer students to support services if needed, respecting confidentiality and best interest rules; ; Monitoring and Evaluation:; The Monitoring and Evaluation Regulations outline how students can provide feedback on their academic experience, including through programme representatives; ; Examination and Academic Appeals:; Module and programme leaders must evaluate assessment results and present them to Examination Boards, which, along with external examiners, assess student engagement. Reports are then submitted to relevant governance bodies; These measures ensure that all students, regardless of study mode, receive a consistent, high-quality educational experience. They enable effective monitoring of student engagement and provide opportunities for feedback and support, helping students succeed across all programmes. SECTION 7: Procedures for Addressing Student Wellbeing ------------------ 7.1. Intervention Protocol for Student Wellbeing (by Student Wellbeing Team): When notified by the AGS system or a module leader, the Student Wellbeing team must:; Investigate the reasons behind missed engagement points; Attempt to contact the student through various communication methods; Arrange a meeting with the student to support re-engagement and academic success; Refer the case to the compliance team if initial efforts do not resolve the issue; These steps ensure a thorough and supportive approach to addressing student engagement issues, aiming to help students re-engage with their studies and succeed. If initial support efforts fail, referring the case to the compliance team ensures further intervention and resolution. SECTION 8: Termination of Visa Sponsorship for Insufficient Engagement ------------------ 8.1. Visa Sponsorship Withdrawal Due to Lack of Engagement (by Executive Committee): Under the Exclusion Regulations, if a student fails to log sufficient engagement points over a period of 4 weeks (excluding formal vacation periods or authorised absences), they will be considered to have withdrawn from their course. In such cases, the School must withdraw the student’s visa sponsorship and notify the Home Office, which may lead to visa curtailment and potential immigration enforcement; The Executive Committee is responsible for informing the Home Office using the UKVI online system, as they do for issuing sponsorship licences, once notified by the Student Wellbeing team; This rule ensures that the School complies with legal obligations regarding visa sponsorship. It also helps manage immigration consequences that may arise from a student's withdrawal due to insufficient engagement. SECTION 9: Presumed to have Withdrawn ------------------ 9.1. Exclusion Process for Non-Engagement (by Executive Committee): If a student does not log any engagement points or is absent for 4 consecutive teaching weeks without notifying the School, they will be considered to have withdrawn, and exclusion processes will begin under the Exclusion Regulations; The School will issue a notice giving 2 weeks' notice of the potential exclusion; If the student contacts the School within this period, the exclusion decision will be cancelled, and the student will receive support as outlined in the Student Resources, Support, and Wellbeing Policy; If the student does not respond, the Executive Committee will finalise the exclusion; The Refunds and Compensation Policy will apply; This process ensures that students are given a fair opportunity to re-engage before exclusion and outlines the steps the School will take to support students or enforce exclusion if necessary. It also ensures compliance with the School’s policies on refunds and compensation.